解决办法Failed to export application eclipse无法导出apk

 我自己在研究安卓的开发。因为是新手,一开始都很正常,然后突然发现eclipse无法导出apk,到最后一步老是提示:Failed to export application


然后开始仔细查找,然后发现了一个 jpg 和psd ,然后删除就好了。原来是我自己在做PS的时候,导出的图片和保存psd的时候。放到里项目文件里。真的是很悲哀。


 Believe it or not... I had the same problem ('android failed to export..' without any other indication/message). After many many hours I found the problem: I had a .jpg resource under the assets folder with some special characters (ilíaco.jpg). Just removing the "offending" character and problem solved.